'Tis the season of church AGM's!
So, following the service last evening, the Congregational AGM was held at La Taberna (better known as 'Oscars'), where the reports for 2007 were presented in a very relaxed & informal atmosphere.
Peter presented his first Chaplains report, in which he looked at the past, the present & the future, both for the Chaplaincy & for the Cómpeta congregation in particular. He paid tribute to the work done by the Wardens and other church officers, and ended on an optimistic note saying that he thought that Cómpeta was now beginning to thrive and move forward.
Peter's report was followed by reports from the Wardens, the Secretary & the Treasurer, who also introduced a speaker from one of the charities that the congregation has supported through tithing in the past year.
The election of Wardens was held, after thanks were given to Lisa who was not standing for re-election as a Warden. The meeting re-elected Paul Gath for another year, and he will be joined as a Warden by Adrian Wilkinson.
The Congregational committee was elected for the coming year, and after a number of questions, and observations from the meeting, the meeting was closed by the Chaplain, but only after a vote of thanks from the congregation to Peter & to Elaine, for their work in the Chaplaincy since they arrived amongst us in May 2007.
The Chaplaincy AGM is on Sunday 27th April at 1.15pm at St. George's Malaga, to which all those on the electoral roll are warmly invited to attend.