Thursday, 23 April 2009

Bishop David follows us on TWITTER

Following the launch of our church TWITTER page, we have already got our first "follower", and no less a person than Bishop David himself.

Bishop David whose TWITTER address is - eurobishop - has added the Cómpeta Congregation to his list of people to follow, and will now be able to keep up to date with everything that we are doing.

Also we have now added the Church of England TWITTER page to our page so that all their information will be available to us just as soon as they add anything.

Have you registered yet to get the Cómpeta Congregation TWITTER page - go to

And finally - just to wet your appetite - we will be launching our FACEBOOK page very soon - just a few more tests to do.

Thursday, 16 April 2009

We are on TWITTER!!

Yes we are moving into the 21st century here in Cómpeta and have created a TWITTER page.

What you are asking yourself is a TWITTER page? Well have a look at the short video below & hopefully all will become clear.

Some of you may already have your own TWITTER page and if so please make sure that you link to us asap.

This is another way of keeping in touch with what we are doing in Cómpeta.

Keep a look out for other social media developments that we will be introducing on our weblog in the coming weeks & months.

So sit back - click on the video below - and learn all about the world of TWITTER & Cómpeta Congregation

Congregational Annual Meeting 2009

On Sunday 5th April the Annual Congregational Meeting was held in the vestry after the Evening Service.

Whilst not the most well attended meeting that we have ever had, it gave everybody there a chance to hear about the last year in the life of the Cómpeta congregation, and to look forward to the next year with renewed spirit.

Following the formal reports from the Chaplain, the Wardens, Secretary & Treasurer, the elections were held for the Officers for the next year.

The meeting elected Chris Gath & Adrian Wilkinson as Congregational Wardens, Jean Roberts as Congregational Secretary & Mike Roberts as Congregational Treasurer.

In addition, May Wilkinson, Anne & Ian Parry & Alison Naisby agreed to to serve on the Congregational Committee for the next year.

In a general discussion following the elections, several ideas were suggested to increase congregation size and to make the congregational and our activity in general more visible.

The Congregational Committee will consider and act upon these in the coming weeks & months, biginning at their first meeting of the new congregational year on June 3rd.